Which course to choose?
Are you a salty sea dog or just finding your sea legs?
Whether you're new to sailing or just learning the ropes, we have a great selection of RYA sailing courses. Take a look below to see which would suit you best...

RYA Summer Sailing Courses
These courses run from the beginning of April right through to the end of October. They can also be paired with a number of our Ionian flotillas.
RYA Competent Crew
This course aims to take you from novice, to valuable member of the crew, with the help of one of our excellent instructors. It’s suitable for complete beginners or those with limited experience who want to get a solid grounding of the basics.
RYA Day Skipper Practical
This is an intermediate course aiming to build your core skills by developing your navigation, decision making and leadership ability. You will skipper a yacht on a number of short passages, under the guidance of your instructor, taking charge of everything from passage planning, to interpreting weather forecasts and mooring.
RYA Combined Course
This ‘fast-track’ package brings together the Competent Crew and Day Skipper courses, into a convenient two week sailing course with a couple of days off in between. Prior to arriving in Greece participants complete both of the online courses.
RYA VHF Course
If you are doing an RYA training course with us, why not boost your qualification by adding the Marine Radio Short Range Certificate? In some countries like Croatia, this certificate is a requirement by law to charter a yacht.